NYC Food Policy Alliance

Alliance Policy Wins 

  • Successfully advocated for NYC to hold a robust and equitable community engagement process to inform the City’s first-ever 10 Year Food Policy Plan 

  • 35% of the policy strategies in Food Forward NYC originated from our Coalition, including the integration of a racial equity framework

  • Coalition’s policy recommendations were incorporated into the Brooklyn Borough President’s New Agrarian Economy Report and NYC Public Advocate’s COVID-19 Pandemic Report.

  • Successfully fought for the creation and extension of Pandemic-EBT to ensure children in remote learning settings did not go hungry while out of school  

  • Collaborated with NY Assemblymember Jessica González-Rojas’ office on the introduction of two important bills: A05933, to establish a state task force to study the development of a nutrition program for undocumented New Yorkers, and A06214/S7663, to establish a state SNAP minimum benefit program.

    Alliance Policy Platforms and policy Recommendations

  • FY24 NY City and State Budget Campaigns - The Alliance’s collective advocacy efforts yielded $136 million in food system investments through the New York City Budget and a remarkable $260 million in the New York State Budget.

  • FY23 NY City and State Budget Campaigns - During the Winter of 2022, we formally launched our state budget campaign with the NYC Food Policy Alliance to advocate for investments that will advance food equity and justice. Close to 40 organizations signed onto our state budget platform and we successfully advocated for the introduction of a bill by Assemblymember Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas to make school meals free for all NY State students.

  • FY22 NY City and State Budget Campaigns - In the spring of 2021, Alliance members once again came together to collectively advocate for investments by the New York City Council and New York State Government to help advance equity, addressing some of the existing systemic inequalities exacerbated by COVID, and ensure that New Yorkers are well fed and supported as we start the slow process of rebuilding from these crises.

  • New York City 10 Year Food Policy Plan Recommendations - Based on the impact and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic on our communities and our collective food systems experience, The New York COVID-19 Food Coalition collaborated to develop these recommendations to inform the New York City 10 Year Food Policy Plan led and developed by the NYC Mayor's Office of Food Policy.

  • FY21 City Budget Campaign - In 2020, the NY COVID-19 Food Coalition stood in full support of the NYC Budget Justice movement by joining the countless other community groups calling for a reduction in the NYPD’s budget by $1 billion in FY21 and for the reinvestment of that funding into programs and services that will support New Yorkers who are not only recovering from the public health and economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, but who remain at the crosshairs of the pandemic of systemic racism.

  • Government COVID-19 Response Recommendations - Policy recommendations developed by the Coalition for City, State and Federal level officials to ensure that the local food system and supply chain remained intact, that all families were able to access the food and support they need, and that front line community embedded organizations could respond effectively to the pandemic.